FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 25, 2008
Contacts: Mirtha Colon (718) 213-5439
Celso Castro (917) 841-3643
Jose Francisco Avila (917) 783-5298
Roberto Quesada (646) 505-8157
New York - New York: Nearly 44 million of immigrants live in the US; this is according to the Pew Foundation. A great number of them from Central American and a growing population within these numbers are the Afro-Latino an overwhelming majority lives in New York City. The Central American Black Organization (CABO) was founded in 1995 as a response to dealing with many social issues confronted by these communities in Central America and the US. This year CABO is holding its XIV General Assembly Meeting in New York City, from Wednesday December 3rd, through Saturday December 6th, 2008.
The annual meeting will be address, among others, the following issues: The Durban Declaration and Plan of Action on discrimination and Racism - Brasilia Regional Conference and World-wide Conference 2009; School of Human Rights for the Development of African Descendant Leadership; Central American Integration System; the European Union and Central America Free Trade Agreement; Social, Cultural and Environmental future of the Afro-central American Communities; Presentation of the “Central America’s Pact for Life” - a new initiative on the environment, climate changes and its impact on land, territories and expectations on community development for Afro-central Americans; The Impact of Free Trade Agreements, Migration and Remittances in the economies for the Afro-Central American Communities in the Region and the United States of America; also, the impact of HIV/AIDS in these communities.
A press conference is scheduled for Wednesday, December 3rd, at 10:00 AM, at 777 East 44th Street (corner of United Nations Plaza). The President of the Republic of Honduras, Honorable José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, will address the general assembly during the opening ceremonies on December 3rd, at 330 West 42nd Street, New York, NY.
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lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2008
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» 14th General Assembly of the Central American Black Organization (CABO)
14th General Assembly of the Central American Black Organization (CABO)
By Betsy 0:47
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